Book of Caty: Spilling My Coffee (DD)

 Hi, my beautiful Caty. Your "Mon Mere" in da house. Lol. I was having a weird day yesterday (Sunday, Sept. 11). It was a poignant day for several reasons. Your death on August 29th leading the way for this awkward human to get all roped up in melancholia and buffoonery. I spilled my coffee. I was just sitting down to brunch with your "Mama" Sara when my red Ŧexas Ŧech tumbler proved its literal nature and tumbled. I guess I hadn't placed it properly on my side table, so when I reached for it, it went all "duck-duck-goose" on me and a fountain of coffee splashed all over the floor and new sectional. I wasn't too concerned about the carpet; I hate that carpet and still intend on replacing it with the gobs of boxes of wood flooring that are making themselves at home in the guest room. I wasn't really too fretful over the new couch either, although it was ginormously expensive, I'd gladly give it back and all my worldly possessions to get you back, my Caty. I'm not gonna lie, you are still the first thing I look for in the morning and at night and wish wholeheartedly I could get back. Spilling the coffee not only reminded me that material goods can never fill a void left by someone/something I once loved, but it reminded me of the last time I stupidly spilled coffee. You were there, my beautiful Caty, just looking at what I had done and watching me clean it up. Your 'Mama" helped me clean up both times; this time, you weren't there to smell the hazelnut coffee creamer that penetrated the air. I

didn't get mad or act stupid after I spilled the coffee, and even though I didn't let your "Mama" help me out too much this time, I did share with her how last time, "Caty tried helping clean up my mess!" We laughed, then it got silent. But, we looked at your box and turned on the spotlight we gently placed above it, and we were comforted. I miss you bunches, my Caty! ~ "Mon Mere"!


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